School holiday challenge continued

My girls might be even more excited about crafting then I am. I set the challenge up so that we didn’t have to work on it every day. But so far they have been asking me every day for it and when we can’t they are really disappointed. image

So here a few more impressions. The wonderful thing about journaling, you work on it when you want to and can come back to it when ever you have time. Enjoy the process.

School holiday challenge

My daughters and I have started our “travel journal ” for Brisbane, by making the journal and decorating the front cover.image
We collected materials like stamps, papers, pens, magazines etc. image

It took a bit of time and convincing to have them make the cover about Brisbane. Granted it is hard to use images instead of words, for someone that loves words so much. But after a bit of a struggle everybody got on a roll and ended up with beautiful covers. image

Hope you have found an interesting subject and are well on your journaling way.

Word cards

Word cards and word games

Remember the words I collected last week. I finally given myself the time to do what I planned for them.image

I’m looking for ways to come up with ways to make stories and plays that are not based on the cartoons and other Rv and movie fads that go around.

Well if you can make cards with places and people and things, you can blind pick the different categories. Once you’re words are revealed your imagination can do the rest. Gnome

So that is what I have been doing. I have selected some words. I have written them clearly on some nice cards. Then to add a bit and make them more fun I have drawn a pattern around the word with an image that makes the word clear. The drawings are very simple but effective and lots of fun, go on have a go and come up with some very unusual and funny stories. Word cards