Monday Marvel: Southside Art Market


We are all working really hard to get ready for the inaugural Southside Art Market. Over the past couple of Mondays I have introduced you to some of the artists that will be showing their work besides me. Here are the links to their stories;

Monday Marvel: Kelly Southee

Monday Marvel: Alana Bosgra

Monday Marvel: Debra Hood

Monday Marvel: Deb Bryant

But there will be many more. I will be there too, showing mixed media pieces and screen printed items. Hope to see you on 20 November at Morningside School of Arts, Cnr of Wynnum and Thynne Rd, Morningside.


Monday Marvel: Deb Bryant

I can’t believe that the inaugural South Side Art Market is only two weeks away. Time to introduce you to yet another wonderful participant. Deb Bryant does something very close to my heart, next to her own art. She lets children experience art and I think that is a great gift to them and secretly to yourself as you can watch them enjoy themselves.deb-bryant

Can you please introduce yourself?

My name is Debra Bryant, I am a mum to two very active boys, wife to a very supportive husband, art teacher, artist and business owner and Creative Director of Tiny Art, Morningside based art school for children aged 2-12.  Our local school is dedicated to helping kids learn, play and express themselves through art. Tiny Art has been running over 5 years and is ideal for kids with big imaginations keen to discover the world of art in a fun and unique environment.  I’m very fortunate to work with a team of talented artists and teachers sharing skills and ideas with children.  I’m very passionate about introducing art to children from an early age as I believe that it can develop their confidence, problem-solving skills and fine motor skills and give them a developmental head start physically, emotionally and intellectually.

What is your medium and the kind of art you make?

I enjoy dabbling in all types of art making, but I especially love screen printing and collage on paper and canvas using my own painted textured papers.  I love art nouveau, art deco, lead lighting, stained glass, mosaics and at the moment I am obsessed with birds and flowers.deb-collage-birds

Where do you find your inspiration?

When I plan and prepare projects and lessons for our students’ classes, workshops and art parties I find that I am inspired to start creating my own artworks from research, investigation and practice.deb-leadlight-window

Can you give us an exercise that helps you either warm up, loosen up, get unstuck or has a wonderful memory?

I really enjoy going to cycle class or going for a run, I go on autopilot and this is when creative ideas start popping in my head.

You can find Deb Bryant here:tinyartlogo


15 minutes of drawing: and collage

as a present to myself, I have signed on to Rachel Hazels e-course Paperlove. I am thoroughly enjoying myself with the different exercises and looking at other students work. Last week was all about collage. Of course she told us to practice a lot. So this month I am challenging myself to incorporate collage into my 15 minutes of drawing.


Marvel exercise: Rest

Monday I introduced you to Debra Hood, a wonderful Brisbane artist and the brains behind the Southside Art Market. My Monday Marvels all get the same 4 questions and the 4th question is about an exercise they recommend.13754420_1123875387687356_1475811434569875472_n

Debra Hood did not really give an exercise, but let us know that her inspiration or solutions to art problems come to her when she is in the twilight between awake and sleep. I interpret that as give yourself the time to be still and listen to yourself. For me those moments not just happen when I go to sleep. I often go for a walk or take a shower to take myself away from the canvas.

When or in what state do you get breakthroughs’ in your work?

Monday Marvel: Debra Hood

It is high time to introduce you to the remarkable woman who took the initiative for the South Side Art Market, here in Brisbane. Debra Hood is the brains behind the market and all participants are looking forward to the inaugural market on the 20th November in Morningside. Please find all details on their Facebook site.debra-hood-city-cat

Q1) Can you please introduce yourself?

My name is Debra Hilda Hood. Now I am a “mature” woman, I can confidently reveal my middle name, which for years I kept hidden in the broom closet! I live on Brisbane’s southside and am passionate about painting Queenslander homes on colour filled canvases in a simple effort to honour the architectural heritage of inner-suburban Brisbane. I relish the chance to do quirky  retro still life paintings as well…lots of colour and clashing patterns.  I love coffee and afternoon naps too!

Q2) What is your medium and the kind of art you make?
Most of my work is Acrylic on Canvas that are personalised works and when I get a quick moment between these commissions, I sneak in some type of Public Art Project. These large outdoor community projects provide a lovely break from my study work which is 8-10 hours painting per day, Min 5days/week. The majority of my painting is done from 6pm – 1am..these hours provide the most satisfying work time for me and often I will paint right through the night.debra-hood-apples
Q3)  Where do you find your inspiration?
My inspiration is generated at a very local level and is really twofold. Firstly, a complete love of the iconic Queenslander houses that abound in inner Brisbane suburbs and in recent years, an urgent desire to capture these buildings before they are pulled down to make way for so called development. Sadly, the face of our suburbs is changing so dramatically at present and pretty soon these gorgeous buildings will be in our nostalgic past…..our unique Queenslander identity gone.
Q4) Can you give us an exercise that helps you either warm up, loosen up, get unstuck or has a wonderful memory?
I don’t really ever get stuck for ideas. After painting full time for the last 20 years, have learnt to have commitment and dedication to go to work in the studio every day.  Often when settling to sleep, ideas will become centred and clarified…. these are very exciting Eureka moments and they are all crazily and forever, floating around in the back of my head waiting for the day when I can make them real!debra-hood-triple